Un Fish Stocks Agreement Text

The agreement attempts to achieve this objective by creating a framework for cooperation in the conservation and management of these resources. It promotes good governance in the oceans through the effective management and conservation of the resources of the high seas, including by establishing detailed international minimum standards for the conservation and management of straddling fish stocks and highly migratory fish stocks; ensure that measures for the conservation and management of these stocks are compatible and coherent in areas of national sovereignty and adjacent high seas; Ensure that there are effective mechanisms for the implementation and implementation of these measures on the high seas; and recognizing the specific conservation and management needs of developing countries, as well as development and participation in fisheries for the two types of stocks mentioned above. As of December 2016, the treaty has been ratified by 91 parties, including 90 states and the European Union. [2] Straddling stocks are fish stocks that migrate through more than one exclusive economic zone or are in more than one exclusive economic zone. The agreement was adopted in 1995 and entered into force in 2001. [1] The conditions for the entry into force of the Agreement were fulfilled on 11 November 2001, when the Maltese Minister for Foreign Affairs deposited with the Secretary-General an instrument of accession to the Agreement. The instrument was the thirtieth instrument of ratification or accession deposited. . .


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