Correction Of Name Agreement

(3) This amendment only results in a change in the name of the company and all the rights and obligations of the government and the contractor under the contracts are not affected by this amendment. (4) The government has documents relating to this name change. (a) If only one change in the contractor`s name is involved and the rights and obligations of the government and the contractor are not affected, the parties enter into an agreement to reflect the name change. The contractor sends the competent holder three copies of the signed amendment agreement and a copy of the following files: (2) XYZ Corporation has changed its corporate name to ABC Corporation by amending its incorporation act on the date – by amending its incorporation. 1. The document resulting in the name change is authenticated by a competent state official. 3. A list of all relevant contracts and orders that have not yet been concluded between the contractor and the government, along with the number and type of contract, the name and address of the client. The holder may claim the total value of the dollar as amended and the remaining unpaid balance for each contract. 2. The opinion of counsel for the contractor, that the name change was made in accordance with the current legislation and indicates the effective date.

(1) The Government, represented by various contract agents of the ` ` has made certain contracts and orders with XYZ Corporation, namely: `[insert contractual or order identifications]; [or delete “idly” and add “as incorporated into the attached list with “Annex A” and in this agreement by reference.] The term “contracts,” as used in this agreement, refers to the contracts and orders mentioned above, as well as all other contracts and orders, including any changes made by the government and contractor prior to the entry into force of this agreement (that the benefit and payment have been concluded and released if the government or contractor still has rights , rights or obligations arising from these contracts and orders). (b) The proposed agreement format below may be adapted in some cases: ABC Corporation (contractor), a duly organized company that exists under the laws of the United States of America and the United States of America (government), enter into this agreement from `insert the date on which the name change is effective under applicable state law]. 1. The contracts covered by this agreement are amended by replacing the name “ABC Corporation” with “XYZ Corporation” wherever it is included in the contracts; There you go. . Testifying of my hand and the seal of this society on this day of 20. . . . (2) Each party has executed this agreement on the date and year of the day.

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