Contoh Rpp Agreement And Disagreement

Respect and attention (respect) Conscience (diligence) E. Teaching material Agreement and disagreementIn the end, it is accepting someone`s idea. It is an expression that people usually use to explain their consent to the given idea. Disagreement is rejecting or rejecting someone`s idea. It`s an expression that people usually use to express their disagreement with someone`s idea. C. Disagree. Agreement 9. Rara: There are too many ridiculous cartoons on TV lately. Do you agree? d. Disagreement 10. Rasha: What do you think when we go to dinner at the restaurant? In the elaboration, teachers: a.

teachers ask students to give other examples of the sentence in their own words.b. Teachers ask students to practice conversations in style in front of the class and show appropriate facial expressions. Confirmation of the expected character of the pupils: Trustworthines b. Motivation: motivation before learning. Key answer: Activity 1: c, a, a, d, b, a , c, d, d, d, a e. Teachers ask students to answer questions orally based on sentences read individually. Elaboration. Activity 1 Select A, B, C or D for the correct answer. Time distribution: 2 x 40 minutes (1 x meeting)A.

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