Agreement Ambulance

Materials and Methods: We examined whether the ambulance records contained useful information for thrombolysis treatment for consecutive emergency shots in three emergency departments in three emergency departments in England between May 14, 2012 and June 10, 2013. Conclusion: In a retrospective cohort of stroke patients admitted by emergency ambulance, standard practices are not systematically re-established in pre-hospital literature information that could support rapid treatment decisions. Training of emergency practitioners and/or provision of clinical protocols could facilitate decisions on early stroke treatment, but the availability of information in the hospital should be a limiting factor. Results: 424 out of 544 (78%) The recordings included a health diagnosis of stroke. Twice as many hospital records contained a symptom supplement time/recently known as a good time, but there was 82% of correspondence within 1 h if a pre-hospital time was also recorded. This was more the case in younger patients. Documentation of the history of medication was rare (12%), especially for the rate of anticoagulant (6%). Compared to hospital documentation, paramedics recorded a history of diabetes for 38/49 (78%), previous stroke 44/69 (64%), hypertension 71/140 (51%) Jurassic fibrillation 19/64 (30%). Goal: Rapid decision-making in the event of an acute stroke response can improve outcomes. We wanted to check whether important information to facilitate decisions was regularly collected by emergency physicians prior to hospitalization.

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