Maksud Dengan Gentlemen Agreement Dalam Proses Perumusan Pancasila

Soekiman Wiryosanjoyo, Ki Bagus Hadikusuma, Prof. K.H.A. Kahar Muzakkir, K.H.A. Wahid Hasyim, Abikusno Cokrosuyoso, M. Ahmad Subarjo, Agus Salim and a number of other names are figures, politicians and personalities representing Muslim groups in BPUPKI meetings. One of the policy proposals presented is the concept of the “Islamic State” (Dar al-Islam), the formulation of the opening of the 1945 Constitution (Jakarta Charter) and the concept of Islamic leadership. The Bpupki meetings between April 29 and August 7 at least agreed on the Indonesia Merdeka Declaration, the opening and body of the 1945 Constitution. [1] Ki Bagus Hadikusuma, president of Muhammadiyah General Manager (PB), is a member of the PPKI, which calls for the inclusion of persuasion commitments in the islamic Sharia constitutional system. Ki Bagus Hadikusuma is a charismatic figure respected by Muslims and nationalists (Muhammadiyah Voice, no. 17-18/Do 48th/September 1968, pp. 25-26).

It may also have led Sukarno and Mohammad Hatta to directly convince Ki Bagus Hadikusuma to remove the “seven words” from the Jakarta Charter. The Committee of Nine finally sent a special envoy, Mr. Teuku Muhammad Hasan, to convince Ki Bagus (Hadikusuma, River Renewal, pp. 104-105). Before Pancasila`s existence, the Jakarta Charter was drafted by BPUPKI (represented by Muslim scholars) and replaced at the first point by Pancasila by the PPKI [which is not represented by Muslim scholars]. Who is trying to change the fundamental dewek of the country. It is time for the caliphate to return, because it is actually the Kalifa that will free Muslims from incredulous intruders If we refer to the historical spirit of Pancasila, there are in principle several things that, as founders of the sustainability mandate of this beloved country, should be an important remark. First of all, Pancasila must be placed in gentlemen`s agreement.

This means that Pancasila does not need to be initiated and engaged as something that has some kind of “magical” power. May Pancasila be, as usual, an agreement of all the elements of the nation in the organization of this country. If it is an agreement, all it takes to maintain it is a common obligation to maintain what has become that mutual agreement. According to Hadratus` son Shaykh KH M Hashim Asy`ari, if someone calls the formula “the deity with the obligation to practice Islamic Sharia for his followers”, there are also those who think differently: too blunt. This clause explicitly leaves room for the adoption of the soul of the Jakarta Charter of 22 June 1945, in order to put an end to the controversy surrounding the amendment of seven words on 18 August. Kasman Singodimedjo, who participated in the lobbying activities of August 18, 1945 in ppki, said that the decree of July 5, 1959 was “unique”, meaning that it is valid forever (ieable). As for the initial concepts proposed by the national personalities in the formulation of Pancasila, there is no debate here. The initial formulation, which was formulated by Karno on the 1st Islamic groups, traditionalists and modernists, first wanted to integrate the fundamental doctrine of Islam, namely tawhid (the doctrine of Jakarta-Charter.At the unity of God in Islam) and the call to practice Islamic Sharia for Muslims. Must enter the main command so that it becomes the “rear vein” of the entire offer to Pancasila. .

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